The Mystery of History Volume 3


The Mystery of History volume 3 book cover. It is dark burgundy colored with lighter swirls. In the middle is a framed photo of the Galerie des Batailles, or Gallery of Battles. It has a glass ceiling and pillars, stone busts, and paintings along the walls leading down to a large scenic painting under a carved arch. On the sides of the main photo are 3 images, including; a nautical astrolabe, St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, and the Head of Leda painting by Leonardo da Vinci.
The Mystery of History volume 3 book opened. The pages are covered in text and the left page has a title at the top reading “Lesson 47, 1588” and “England Defeats the Spanish Armada.” On the right page are 2 small images. The one on the top-left is of ¬¬¬Queen Elizabeth the 1st. And the image in the lower-right is of an old lute guitar.
The Mystery of History volume 3 book opened. The pages are covered in text. There is an image of Johannes Kepler in the lower-left corner of the left page. On the right page, under paragraphs of text, there is a section titled “Lesson 44, 1577” and “Sir Francis Drake.”
The Mystery of History volume 3 book opened showing the table of contents and the week by week layout.
The Mystery of History volume 3 book cover. It is dark burgundy colored with lighter swirls. In the middle is a framed photo of the Galerie des Batailles, or Gallery of Battles. It has a glass ceiling and pillars, stone busts, and paintings along the walls leading down to a large scenic painting under a carved arch. On the sides of the main photo are 3 images, including; a nautical astrolabe, St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, and the Head of Leda painting by Leonardo da Vinci.
The Mystery of History volume 3 book opened. The pages are covered in text and the left page has a title at the top reading “Lesson 47, 1588” and “England Defeats the Spanish Armada.” On the right page are 2 small images. The one on the top-left is of ¬¬¬Queen Elizabeth the 1st. And the image in the lower-right is of an old lute guitar.
The Mystery of History volume 3 book opened. The pages are covered in text. There is an image of Johannes Kepler in the lower-left corner of the left page. On the right page, under paragraphs of text, there is a section titled “Lesson 44, 1577” and “Sir Francis Drake.”
The Mystery of History volume 3 book opened showing the table of contents and the week by week layout.

The Mystery of History Volume 3

The Mystery of History III covers history from the Renaissance to early American history in a conversational style for elementary through high school students.


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Product Code: 088-892

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